A little poetry live reading (from Clunes Booktown Festival)

Clunes Booktown Festival

I was recently able to attend the Clunes Booktown Festival in my capacity as a publisher/bookseller, with a number of my titles available for sale. It was a fantastic weekend and I met a lot of people, and sold and signed a lot of books.

Stall at Clunes

Our stall at Clunes

Creatures – there were many!

I didn’t have a lot of time for taking pictures, but there were a few new locals in the area.

The Bob McKinnon Memorial Poetry Slam

Once again, there was a Poetry Slam event held on the Saturday night. I was lucky enough to be a co-winner of this event last year and it is a wonderful evening to attend and listen, let alone participate.

I wasn’t so fortunate as to win this year – the prize going to a very classy lady of 92 years of age who was having a crack at this format for the very first time. The whole evening was a real treat.

My poem on the Theme of ‘Adaptation

The requirements of the Slam competition were for the theme of ‘adaptation’ to be incorproated or referenced, and for the poem to take less than 2 minutes to deliver (+/- 15 seconds).

I taped my own reading on my phone recorder so I could play it back to review afterwards, and thought you might enjoy listening, as well.

I have not edited the poem and if it’s a bit tinny, that is why. Hope you enjoy.

The Soldier – Adapting to Afghanistan


6 thoughts on “A little poetry live reading (from Clunes Booktown Festival)

    1. Frank Prem Post author

      Yes. We adapt ourselves all the way down that road that i spaved with good intntions, don’t we?

      Thank you, Janet.

    1. Frank Prem Post author

      Thank you Liz.

      It’s interesting the effect that something called ‘slam’ has on me, versus, say, just an open mio reading.

      For a slam I feel that I have to smite between the eyes, so my 2 poems at this event (including last year) have been fairly fierce war themes.

      No room for pretty sunrises, or ducks on the lake.

      Glad yu enjoyed the reading. I was pleased with myself for thinking to record it.

  1. acflory

    Very powerful, Frank, especially in light of the murder charge brought against that former soldier. How many more should be charged? What happens to men who return to society having known what it’s like to kill…in anger? in hate? just because they could???

    1. Frank Prem Post author

      Yes, that’s what I was thinking about, Andrea. Our ‘heroes’ have been turned into criminals, seemingly for no good reason. Part of the erosion of identity that is happening all round us in recent times.

      Sad times.

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