Frank Prem radio Interview with Matt Dowling on ABC Radio – 11/01/2019

Matt Dowling from ABC radio has kindly made available an mp3 copy of an interview that he and I did, and which went to air on 11th January 2019.

Hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed chatting with Matt.


4 thoughts on “Frank Prem radio Interview with Matt Dowling on ABC Radio – 11/01/2019

  1. acflory

    OMG! We came out by plane in 1957 too, in January. Hungary to Austria to Bonegilla then Wagga Wagga and finally to Melbourne.

    The year in Wagga is golden in my memory. Four years old, roaming the neighbourhood with the local kids. 🙂

    Btw, loved the book.

    1. Frank Prem Post author


      When were you in Bonegilla?

      Did you know that you can have a small plaque erected on a memorial wall there – It is just a large business card size and lists family members and arrival dates, that kind of thing.

      A small thing but it had my family members in tears when they saw it. Very moving.

      Let me know if you want details, I’ll dig up what I have.

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